BITS would like to thank all employees, customers, partners and interested parties for an exciting 2024.
We wish you and your loved ones
a relaxing Christmas season and a happy New Year.
BITS is looking forward to supporting you with your IT projects in the coming year!
BITS Advent Calendar
You have a BITS Advent calendar and are looking for the right door? Here you can select a date and display the binary number matching the door.
You don’t have a BITS Advent calendar yet and would like to have one or give one as a gift? Then contact us with your postal address and we will send you one free of charge. While stocks last.
You don’t have a BITS Advent calendar yet and would like to have one or give one as a gift? Then contact us with your postal address and we will send you one free of charge. While stocks last.
With the BITS Advent Calendar, we support the important work of Welthungerhilfe. For more information, and to make a donation, visit
Here you can see our upcoming events, latest news and insights into the BITS world.
If you’d like to stay up to date, feel free to sign up for BITS Insights.
Together, reliably and in the long term, we as an IT service provider want to support you in your IT projects. A selection of our customers, partners as well as industries can be found in this section.
As a medium-sized IT company with currently around 45 employees, we have existed since our foundation in 2000. With us, you will find the right mix of established company and startup feeling with short decision-making processes and flat organizational structures.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to work on exciting projects from various industries, such as Pharma / Life Science, Automotive, Event / Hospitality and E-Commerce.
Our customers are as diverse as we are – from startups to corporations, we have it all. We are constantly looking for new colleagues to support us.
Check out our current open positions. Please contact us even if you don’t find the right position and let’s see if we can find an opportunity for you.
Mehr Informationen anfordern
Wenn Sie mehr Informationen zu diesem Thema oder zur BITS erhalten möchten, dann zögern sie nicht uns unverbindlich zu kontaktieren.
Wir stehen Ihnen hierbei sehr gerne für alle Themen zur Verfügung.
Sie können auch ein Termin direkt in unserem Kalender vereinbaren.