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Web development and design for business2024-11-11T11:55:59+01:00

Web development and design for business

Web Entwicklung bits industrie40 agile

Web development

Individual full-stack web development has been one of our core competencies for many years and BITS has now successfully implemented over 250 web development projects.

In addition to our expert knowledge in the backend and frontend development of simple or very complex individual web applications, we also support you in the conception, architecture or operation of your individual solutions.

You can also rely on BITS as a reliable partner for the further development or optimization of existing Internet/cloud system landscapes.

Web Entwicklung bits industrie40 agile


Migration of a Java business application to Docker as well as startup within a Kubernetes cluster

In this project, the task was to migrate a hotel management software consisting of Java backend, relational database and Angular frontend from a native server environment to a Kubernetes cluster. At the same time, the Kubernetes cluster was designed, rebuilt and put into operation.

Programming, operation and further development of the curated recruiting platform swarmscout.com for personal network recruiting

On behalf of opexxia GmbH, a consulting and implementation agency for complex operational projects in the retail sector, BITS GmbH, as IT development partner, implemented the Internet recruiting platform swarmscout.com and successfully put it into operation.



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