XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a text-based data description language designed to store and transmit structured information in a readable form. It is an extension of HTML (HyperText Markup Language), which is used for formatting and displaying web pages.
XML is widely used to store and exchange data, especially in the context of web services and API interfaces. It allows data to be stored and processed in a structured format that is understood by different applications and platforms.
Related technologies include:
XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language): A language for transforming XML documents that allows XML data to be converted to other formats such as HTML or PDF.
XSD (XML Schema Definition): A language for defining structures and rules for XML documents, used to ensure that XML documents are structured correctly and meet certain requirements.
XPath (XML Path Language): A language for navigating and querying XML documents that allows you to identify and extract specific elements and attributes in an XML document.
BITS experts have used XML in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.
“We are happy to support you with your digital challenges and look forward to hearing from you without obligation.”
Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH
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Selection of case studies and references
Data management
Data management Your data, your success - efficient data management with BITS In today's data-driven business world, efficient and well thought-out data management is the key to success. BITS GmbH supports companies in [...]
Seamless connection of a Shopware 6 online store with the SAP Business ByDesign ERP system
In this project, BITS successfully connected the online store of a medium-sized manufacturing company to their SAP ERP system.
Cost savings by reducing the amount of memory consumed by SAP systems, establishing monitoring and increasing performance
The goal of the SAP project was to reduce existing storage consumption and thereby save costs in the seven-digit range per year, both in the short term and in the long term.
Establishment and operation of a European trading platform for pharmaceuticals
Together with arex PHARMA GmbH, a specialist in the international trade and distribution of European pharmaceuticals, BITS GmbH has established the EU-wide trading platform Rxchange for pharmaceutical products as a strategic IT partner.
Development and operation of the DACH wide Internet e-commerce platform www.getraenkedienst.com
Together with drink now GmbH, a specialist in beverage sales, BITS GmbH has set up and operates the Internet e-commerce platform www.getraenkedienst.com as a strategic IT partner successful to this day.
Realization of MVPs
BITS has realized a large number of MVPs, prototypes or proof of conctepts. The central goal here is to test a new idea, an alternative orientation or an improvement with the least possible effort and, if successful, to expand it further.