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TestComplete | C++ | C# | Java | Pythom
TestComplete is an automation tool designed to improve the quality of software by automating the execution of tests. It is used to perform tests of user interfaces, integrated systems and web applications.

TestComplete supports a wide range of technologies and languages, including C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, VBScript and HTML. It can be applied to Windows, web and mobile applications and provides built-in support for various testing frameworks such as JUnit and NUnit.

TestComplete can also be used to run tests of databases, REST APIs and other non-GUI components. It provides features such as recording tests, creating custom actions, and managing test data.

In summary, TestComplete is a powerful test automation tool used to improve the quality of software by automating the execution of tests and facilitating debugging.

BITS experts have used TestComplete in a wide range of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.

“We are happy to support you with your digital challenges and look forward to hearing from you without obligation.”

Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

[email protected]

+49 (0)89 121 585 50

Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

Gerne unterstützen wir Sie bei Ihren IT Projekten. Ich freue mich über Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

Selection of case studies and references

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