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Tensorflow | PyTorch | scikit-learn TensorFlow is a free, open software library for machine learning developed by Google and used to implement neural networks and other machine learning algorithms.
TensorFlow is mainly used to create deep learning models that can be used for various applications such as image recognition, language processing, predictive analytics and much more.
TensorFlow was originally developed for use on supercomputers, but is also available for use on standalone laptops and mobile devices.
It provides a set of tools and libraries that allow users to create and train neural networks and other machine learning algorithms.
Some related technologies to TensorFlow are PyTorch, scikit-learn and Keras.
PyTorch is also a free, open software library for machine learning that is used to create deep learning models.
scikit-learn is a library for machine learning in Python that provides a variety of algorithms for classification, regression and clustering.
Keras is a deep learning library based on TensorFlow that makes it easier for users to create and train neural networks.

The experts at BITS have used Tensorflow in a large number of projects. You can find a selection of case studies and references below.

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