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Skype | VoIP | Microsoft
Skype is a video and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) software that allows users to communicate with each other over the Internet. Skype can be used for audio and video calls, instant messaging and file transfers. Skype was originally developed by the Skype Technologies company in 2003 and later acquired by Microsoft.

Skype is widely used for business communication and for private conversations. It allows users to communicate with each other from almost anywhere as long as they have an Internet connection. Skype is available on many different platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.

Related technologies to Skype include other VoIP software such as Zoom, Google Meet and Teams, which offer similar features. There are also other video chat services like FaceTime (for Apple devices) and Google Duo.

BITS experts have used Skype in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.

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Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

[email protected]

+49 (0)89 121 585 50

Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

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Selection of case studies and references

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