Scala | JVM
Scala is a general-purpose programming language designed for conciseness, expressiveness, and scalability. It is a statically typed language, which means that the type of a value is checked at compile time and not at runtime. This can help to detect errors early and make the code more efficient.
Scala is an object-oriented language, which means that you can define classes and objects and create relationships between them through inheritance and composition. It also supports functional programming, which means that you can use higher order functions and treat functions as first class citizens.
Scala is a very expressive language that allows you to write concise and easy-to-read code. It has an extensive standard library and a rich ecosystem of third-party libraries, making it a powerful and flexible platform for developing a wide range of applications.
Scala is used to build a variety of applications, including web applications, data processing pipelines, and distributed systems. It is often used in conjunction with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows Scala code to run on any platform that supports the JVM. Scala is also used for data analysis and machine learning thanks to its support for functional programming and integration with popular libraries such as Apache Spark.
BITS experts have used Scala in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.
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Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH
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Selection of case studies and references
Software development
Software development The perfect solution for your requirements - customized software from BITS In a digitalized world, it is crucial to use software solutions that are not only powerful, but also precisely tailored [...]
Technology modernization
Technology modernization From legacy to leading edge - smart IT modernization with BITS At a time when technological developments are advancing ever faster, it is essential for companies to modernize their IT infrastructure [...]
Realization of MVPs
BITS has realized a large number of MVPs, prototypes or proof of conctepts. The central goal here is to test a new idea, an alternative orientation or an improvement with the least possible effort and, if successful, to expand it further.
Development of SEO optimized PWAs
Portal applications are implemented by us as high-performance, SEO optimized Progressive Web Applications (PWA) with ServiceWorker integration and Server Side Rendering (SSR) from a Universal Server. PWA is the state-of-the-art standard for modern, device-independent web applications that can be permanently installed on the client and have the same user experience as device-specific native applications.