Play Framework | Java | MVC
The Play Framework is a Java-based web application framework that provides a highly productive, modular and scalable platform for building web applications. It was developed to simplify the creation of web applications with Java and has become very popular in recent years due to its simplicity, high performance and ability to integrate with modern web technologies.
One of the most important features of the Play Framework is its support for the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which separates an application’s business logic from its user interface. This simplifies the creation and maintenance of web applications by allowing developers to focus on the core functionality of the application without worrying about the details of the user interface implementation.
The Play Framework also supports modern web technologies such as web sockets, real-time event streaming, and reactive programming, making it well suited for building highly interactive real-time web applications.
In addition to its core functionality, the Play Framework also integrates with a number of popular Java libraries and frameworks, including Hibernate, Guice, and Akka. This makes it easy to build applications that leverage these technologies and take advantage of their capabilities.
Overall, the Play Framework is a powerful and flexible platform for building modern web applications with Java, suitable for a wide range of use cases.
BITS experts have used Play Framework in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.
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Selection of case studies and references
Software development
Software development The perfect solution for your requirements - customized software from BITS In a digitalized world, it is crucial to use software solutions that are not only powerful, but also precisely tailored [...]
Migration of a Java business application to Docker as well as startup within a Kubernetes cluster
In this project, the task was to migrate a hotel management software consisting of Java backend, relational database and Angular frontend from a native server environment to a Kubernetes cluster. At the same time, the Kubernetes cluster was designed, rebuilt and commissioned.
Integration of GPT-4 (ChatGPT) via OpenAI API into an enterprise travel application for automated curated content generation.
The goal of this project was to streamline the process of creating personalized recommendations for places and experiences through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by integrating features of GPT-4 (ChatGPT) into an enterprise web app via the OpenAI API.
Development of SEO optimized PWAs
Portal applications are implemented by us as high-performance, SEO optimized Progressive Web Applications (PWA) with ServiceWorker integration and Server Side Rendering (SSR) from a Universal Server. PWA is the state-of-the-art standard for modern, device-independent web applications that can be permanently installed on the client and have the same user experience as device-specific native applications.