OData | HTTP | ORM
OData (Open Data Protocol) is a standard for building APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable the creation and use of queryable and interoperable RESTful (Representational State Transfer) APIs in a simple and standardized way. It provides a unified way to deliver data from a variety of sources, such as databases, file systems, and cloud-based services, and allows clients to access that data using a consistent set of methods and conventions.
OData services can be used to provide and access data from a variety of sources such as relational databases, file systems, and cloud-based services. They can be used by a variety of clients, including web and mobile applications, and support a wide range of programming languages and platforms.
OData services are built on HTTP and can use a variety of formats such as Atom, JSON, and XML to represent data. They use a range of standardized query options, such as filtering, sorting, and paging, to enable clients to retrieve and manipulate data in a flexible and powerful way.
OData services are commonly used in the context of enterprise applications, where they provide a unified method for accessing and manipulating data from a variety of sources. They can also be used in developing custom APIs for specific purposes, such as disclosing data from a legacy system or integrating third-party services.
Some related technologies and tools commonly used with OData are:
Entity Framework: An object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for .NET that can be used to create OData services from a database.
Web API: A framework for creating HTTP services in .NET that can be used to create OData services.
Visual Studio: A development environment for building .NET applications that includes tools for creating OData services.
OData clients: libraries and tools for using OData services, such as the ODataClient for .NET or the odata-client library for JavaScript.
BITS experts have used OData Services in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.
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Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH
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Selection of case studies and references
Data management
Data management Your data, your success - efficient data management with BITS In today's data-driven business world, efficient and well thought-out data management is the key to success. BITS GmbH supports companies in [...]
Cost savings by reducing the amount of memory consumed by SAP systems, establishing monitoring and increasing performance
The goal of the SAP project was to reduce existing storage consumption and thereby save costs in the seven-digit range per year, both in the short term and in the long term.