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NUnit | .NET
NUnit is an open source framework for unit testing on the .NET platform. It is used to write and execute repeatable tests for .NET code.

Unit testing is a software testing technique in which individual units or components of a software application are tested in isolation from the rest of the application. The goal of unit testing is to verify that each unit of the application works as intended and meets the specified requirements.

NUnit provides a set of attributes and assertions that can be used to write test methods and test cases. It also includes a GUI tool for executing and analyzing test results.

NUnit is often used in conjunction with other testing tools and frameworks such as Selenium for testing web applications and Moq for creating mock objects in unit tests. It is also commonly used in continuous integration pipelines to automatically run and validate tests as part of the build process.

BITS experts have used NUnit in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.

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Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

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Selection of case studies and references

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