JPA | Java | Hibernate | Java EE
JPA stands for Java Persistence API. It is a Java-based technology used for mapping Java objects to relational data in a database. It provides a way to manage Java application data persistence, making it easier to store, access, and manage data from a Java application.
JPA is often used in conjunction with other technologies such as Hibernate, a popular object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for Java. ORM frameworks such as Hibernate provide additional tools and functionality for working with databases, such as a query language, caching mechanisms, and support for transactions.
JPA is an important part of the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) platform, which is a set of technologies and specifications for developing enterprise applications in Java. Java EE includes other technologies such as JavaServer Faces (JSF) for creating user interfaces and JavaServer Pages (JSP) for creating dynamic web pages.
Overall, JPA is a valuable tool for Java developers working with relational databases and is often used in enterprise-level application development.
BITS experts have used JPA in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.
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Selection of case studies and references
Connection of production machines of a medium-sized manufacturer to the Industry 4.0 OEE solution of BITS for monitoring and optimization of production
In this Industry 4.0 project, BITS' task was to monitor and control production machines with the help of an OEE solution in order to optimize quality, capacity utilization and costs.
Migration of a J2EE EJB2 application
The goal of the project was to lift an aging Java application architecture to a newer technical level. In detail, it was about the replacement of Entity Beans by the Java Persistence API.