JBoss | Wildfly | Java | J2EE
JBoss is an open source application server developed by Red Hat and based on the Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) platform. It is used to run and manage Java-based applications and provides rich functionalities such as transaction processing, security, clustering and more.
Some technologies that are relevant in the context of JBoss are:
Java EE: JBoss is based on the Java EE platform and supports the execution of Java applications developed for this platform.
WildFly: WildFly is the latest version of JBoss and offers enhanced functionalities such as support for microservices and cloud-native applications.
Hibernate: Hibernate is an open source ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework developed by JBoss and used to connect Java applications to databases.
Apache Tomcat: Apache Tomcat is an open source web server and servlet container used by JBoss to run Java-based web applications.
The experts at BITS have used JBoss and Wildfly in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.
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Selection of case studies and references
Software development
Software development The perfect solution for your requirements - customized software from BITS In a digitalized world, it is crucial to use software solutions that are not only powerful, but also precisely tailored [...]
Migration of a J2EE EJB2 application
The goal of the project was to lift an aging Java application architecture to a newer technical level. In detail, it was about the replacement of Entity Beans by the Java Persistence API.