Javascript | Typescript | Angular | Vue.js | node.js | NestJS
JavaScript is a scripting language mainly used for web application development. It is supported by almost all modern web browsers and allows to implement dynamic and interactive functionality in web pages.
Some technologies that are relevant in the context of JavaScript are:
Web Frameworks: These frameworks provide a structured and advanced environment for web application development. Examples of such frameworks include React, Angular, and Vue.js.
Libraries: Libraries are collections of functions and resources that enable certain tasks to be performed more easily and quickly. Examples of JavaScript libraries are jQuery and Lodash.
Build Tools: Build tools are tools used to simplify and streamline the web application development process. Examples of build tools include Grunt, Gulp, and Webpack.
Transpiler: Transpilers are tools that translate source code into another language to make it more suitable for certain purposes or platforms. Examples of transpilers used for JavaScript are Babel and TypeScript.
BITS experts have used Javascript in a variety of projects, both front-end and back-end. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.