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mobile app | PWA | iOS | Android | Cordova | Ionic | Capacitor Hybrid software development refers to the process of using both native and web-based technologies when creating applications.
Native applications are run directly on a specific operating system or device, while web-based applications can be run on any device via a web browser.
Some technologies used in hybrid software development are:
Hybrid development frameworks: These frameworks make it possible to combine both native and web-based functionality in a single application.
Examples of hybrid development frameworks are React Native, Flutter and Ionic.
Hybrid app containers: These containers make it possible to provide web-based applications in a native app wrapper that can be executed on different platforms.
Examples of hybrid app containers are Cordova and PhoneGap.
RESTful APIs: RESTful (Representational State Transfer) APIs are a type of web API that allows data and functionality to be exchanged between different systems.
They are often used to connect native and web-based applications.

The experts at BITS have used hybrid technologies for development in a large number of projects. You can find a selection of case studies and references below.

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