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Flutter | Google Fuchsia | Dart | Android | Studio
Flutter is a framework developed by Google for mobile application development. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, and is also the main method for creating applications for Google Fuchsia.

Flutter uses the Dart programming language to create high-quality, high-performance applications that can run on both Android and iOS platforms. Flutter also features a variety of customizable widgets, a modern responsive framework, and a rapid development cycle with hot reloading that allows developers to see changes to their code immediately in the app.

Technologies associated with Flutter include Dart, Android Studio and Visual Studio Code. These are the main tools used for Flutter app development, and they provide a variety of features for editing, debugging, and testing Flutter code. In addition, many popular libraries and frameworks such as Firebase and Redux provide support for Flutter, making integration with other technologies easier.

BITS experts have used Flutter in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.

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Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

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+49 (0)89 121 585 50

Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

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Selection of case studies and references

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