Elasticsearch | Apache Lucene | Logstash | Kibana
Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene open source search library. It is used to index, search and analyze large amounts of data quickly and in near real-time. Elasticsearch is decentralized, which means it can scale horizontally across many different machines.
Elasticsearch is widely used for text search and analysis, application monitoring, and business intelligence use cases. It is often used in combination with other technologies such as Logstash for log aggregation and Kibana for data visualization.
Elasticsearch is built on Apache Lucene and uses a JSON document model to store and manipulate data. It supports powerful full-text search capabilities and is known for its ability to process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. Elasticsearch can be used as a standalone search engine, but is often used as part of a larger ecosystem of tools and technologies, such as the Elastic Stack.
BITS experts have used Elasticsearch in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.
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Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH
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Selection of case studies and references
Data management
Data management Your data, your success - efficient data management with BITS In today's data-driven business world, efficient and well thought-out data management is the key to success. BITS GmbH supports companies in [...]
IT infrastructure and cloud services
IT infrastructure and cloud services Well positioned with security - IT infrastructure and cloud services from BITS In today's digital era, a solid IT infrastructure is the backbone of any successful company. [...]
Development and operation of the DACH wide Internet e-commerce platform www.getraenkedienst.com
Together with drink now GmbH, a specialist in beverage sales, BITS GmbH has set up and operates the Internet e-commerce platform www.getraenkedienst.com as a strategic IT partner successful to this day.