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Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat | JSF | Websphere | JBoss
Apache Tomcat is an open source web server and servlet container. It is used to run Java-based web applications, including both Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and Java Standard Edition (Java SE) applications. Some popular technologies related to Apache Tomcat are:

Java Servlets: These are small Java programs that run in a servlet container such as Tomcat. Servlets provide a convenient way to create dynamic and interactive web applications by responding to requests from clients and generating appropriate responses.

JavaServer Pages (JSP): These are Java-based templates for creating HTML pages. JSPs allow developers to embed Java code directly into their web pages, making it easier to create dynamic and personalized content.

JavaServer Faces (JSF): This is a component-based framework for building web applications in Java. It provides a set of UI components and other tools for building user interfaces, as well as a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for organizing application logic.

Apache Struts: This is a web application framework for Java based on servlets and JSP. It provides a set of reusable components for common web application tasks, such as form validation and data binding, as well as a plugin architecture to extend the framework.

Overall, these technologies provide the tools and infrastructure needed to build and deploy Java-based web applications on Apache Tomcat.

BITS experts have used Apache Tomcat as well as related technologies in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.


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Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

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+49 (0)89 121 585 50

Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

Gerne unterstützen wir Sie bei Ihren IT Projekten. Ich freue mich über Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

Selection of case studies and references

Conception, planning, control and execution of a data center move with production-critical infrastructure

BITS organized and coordinated the relocation of the IT landscape from one data center to a new data center for a globally active corporation in the automotive industry (data center migration). The project comprised around 150 applications and 600 servers, some of which had production-relevant effects, and was supported by us over a period of 3 years.

Introduction of two-factor authentication for a leading global provider of commercial vehicles and transport solutions

For a leading global provider of commercial vehicles and transportation solutions, BITS assisted with the implementation of two-factor authentication on an after-sales portal. BITS was responsible for the project management and architecture consulting.

New and further development of a B2B software for order processing in the automotive sector

The goal of this project was to update a B2B software of a leading European vehicle manufacturer to the latest technical state of the art. Thus, not only the security level should be increased, but also the usability should be optimized. Furthermore, additional business processes and functionalities were added to the software.

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