AndroMDA | UML | RCA | Java | .NET | MDD
AndroMDA is a code generation framework used for enterprise application development. It is based on the model-driven architecture (MDA) approach, which emphasizes the use of models to drive the development process.
AndroMDA uses a set of models written in the UML language to generate most of the code needed for an application. This includes both the business logic and the user interface. The generated code is customizable, so developers can add their own customizations and extensions.
Some of the main features of AndroMDA are:
Support for a variety of target platforms, including Java, .NET, and PHP
Support for multiple application architectures, including web, rich client, and service-oriented
Integrated support for common enterprise technologies, such as databases, messaging, and web services
An extensible architecture that allows developers to add custom code generators and other extensions
Other technologies related to AndroMDA include MDA tools such as Enterprise Architect and Rational Software Architect, and Model-Driven Development (MDD) methods such as the Rational Unified Process (RUP).
BITS experts have used AndroMDA as well as related technologies in a variety of projects. A selection of case studies and references can be found below.
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Selection of case studies and references
Migration of a J2EE EJB2 application
The goal of the project was to lift an aging Java application architecture to a newer technical level. In detail, it was about the replacement of Entity Beans by the Java Persistence API.