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Introduction of two-factor authentication

In addition to a user name and password, many digital areas today require another security measure to protect against external attacks.

For a leading global provider of commercial vehicles and transportation solutions, BITS assisted with the implementation of two-factor authentication on an after-sales portal. BITS was responsible for the project management and architecture consulting.

BITS GmbH Cybersicherheit


The existing registration component for internal and external web access not only had to be adapted in a future-proof manner with a view to the current and future IT architecture and Group guidelines on information security, but also to meet the requirements of other Group applications with external user access. For this purpose, the specific requirements from about 50 applications had to be qualified and transferred to the target architecture.

In addition, the sporting schedule had to be taken into account, as the project could not be postponed and had to be completed by a fixed date.

  • Adaptation of the existing registration component with a view to the current and future IT architecture as well as Group guidelines on information security

  • Qualification of specific requirements from approx. 50 applications and transfer to the target architecture

  • Adherence to the schedule

  • Consideration of the requirements of other group applications


Communication between the BITS project managers and the customer took the form of meetings and workshops.
During architecture meetings, technical concepts were developed and evaluated with the BITS experts, which had to be confirmed by the customer.
To this end, the requirements for the portal were analyzed from various technical perspectives in order to identify interfaces and synergies with the client’s IT architecture. In the course of this, the respective responsibilities and roles were defined in order to optimally align the target architecture with the Group guidelines.

Furthermore, relevant use cases for the department were developed with the BITS experts.

There were 1-2 project managers from BITS working on the project, as well as three people from the Core Team. In addition, ten other application managers and three contact persons from other departments were involved.

Project roles at a glance

BITS experts took on the following roles in this project:

  • IT Project Management

  • IT architecture

  • IT-Consulting/Consulting


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