Move management and planning within a data center transition program

We were able to profitably contribute our experience in the IT infrastructure sector during the relocation of the entire data center of a large corporation. The particular challenge was the relocation of the entire server infrastructure within a year during ongoing operations and the resulting high complexity of the processes to be planned.

Agile Entwicklung Web


The special challenges within such a large transition project are not only the technical complexity and heterogeneity of the systems to be moved, but also the coordination of the various project participants. The requirements for our experts were therefore complex and multifaceted.

  • Direct project entry without ramp-up phase

  • Professional and technical support in defining the target infrastructure

  • Provisioning target infrastructure

  • Independent planning and tracking of the execution of individual “moves” of complex server landscapes

  • Coordination of the implementing service providers (transition-in, transition-out, Group IT and IT service providers)

  • Crisis management

  • Quality assurance and documentation

  • Assumption of planning responsibility for complete “moves” and reporting in the direct focus of the Group Management Board


BITS experts contributed their different expertise to this major project over a period of 14 months in the various areas. In the project management and consulting area, we were responsible for and coordinated the relocation of individual server farms in individual “moves”. In the project, our employees also provided consulting support in solution design, network architecture design, IT security and, as software manufacturers of individual server applications, ensured and established the ability to move to a more modern infrastructure.

  • Responsibility as a Move Manager

  • Solution Design: Transfer CMO (current mode of operation) to FMO (future mode of operation)

  • Infrastructure Order

  • Responsibility as a Move Manager

  • Solution Design: Transfer CMO (current mode of operation) to FMO (future mode of operation)

  • Infrastructure Order

Project roles at a glance

BITS experts took on the following roles in this project.

  • Senior IT Project Management

  • Senior IT Consulting

  • Senior IT / System Architecture

  • IT quality assurance

  • Cloud architecture

  • Cloud Engineer

  • Business Analyst / Requirements Engineer

  • PMO (Project Management Office)


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