Internationalization of an application in particular of the function extension for 21 ESA markets as well as for importers
The goal of the project was to further develop a Java business application developed in 2020 for quotation calculation of vehicle service contracts for international use.
In the first step, the application was expanded to include functions for multilingualism and multicurrency capability to enable the subsequent application rollout in 21 ESA markets.
After the internationalization went live, the second step was to expand the user group and the functional scope of the application to include “importers”.
The cooperation with BITS GmbH
“The amount of positive feedback from users, as well as the importers’ desire to work with our new application, shows me that we’ve all done a super job over the past 2 years.”
The challenge was to ensure that all relevant languages and country specifics (currency, forms, interfaces, etc.) were fully implemented for a global rollout as well as the implementation of the respective country-specific costing and printing.
BITS took over all the necessary services, from the conception and coordination of technical requirements involving all groups of people involved at the customer, through sprint planning, implementation and introduction of changes and new developments, to training and maintenance of the introduced systems.
BITS provided a project manager to coordinate the development activities, a development team for implementation and a test team for quality assurance.
The implementation was carried out on the following technical basis:
Projektrollen im Überblick
Die Experten/innen der BITS übernahmen folgende Rollen in diesem Projekt.
Tools & Technologien
Folgende Tools und Technologien kamen in diesem Projekt zum Einsatz.
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