a black and white logo
a blue and black logo

Programming, operation and further development of the curated recruiting platform swarmscout.com for recruiting in personal networks

On behalf of opexxia GmbH, a consulting and implementation agency for complex operational projects in the retail sector, BITS GmbH, as IT development partner, implemented the Internet recruiting platform swarmscout.com and successfully put it into operation.

programmierung muenchen swarmscout BITS GmbH

The recruiting platform swarmscout.com enables companies to access the personal network of swarmscouts and thus approach potential candidates in an honest, authentic and targeted manner. At the same time, the platform offers networkers access to exciting job postings and relevant key positions in order to place them in their personal network. The task of BITS was to program the Internet platform, operate it and further develop it in the future.

BITS as IT development partner

“Our idea was to rethink recruitment and develop a curated recruiting platform where we bring companies and networkers together. We have found our reliable digital IT development partner in BITS GmbH and have successfully implemented and launched the swarmscout.com platform. We look forward to expanding it further together in the future.”

doerte bits BITS GmbHDörte Kashdailis, Managing Director of opexxia GmbH


The opexxia GmbH team came to BITS with an already mature idea of the platform to be developed and the workflows to be mapped there, so the challenge was to digitally map this idea together and then implement it. For the implementation, it was important that the platform can be further expanded very individually in the future as well as connected to a variety of interfaces and APIs. At the same time, it should also be possible to add further services and products to the platform via an API in the future.

  • Concrete presentation of the platform

  • Wide range of APIs and interfaces

  • Scalability

  • Operation of the platform


The platform was realized as an individual web application with an API-first approach. The backend was implemented using Springboot and Swagger, while the web UI was based on Angular. An upstream website based on WordPress, serves as an SEO-optimized landing page, so that the portal can be found well via search engines. The tasks of BITS included the IT conception and implementation of the backend, the database as well as the frontend. At the same time, BITS took over IT project management and IT quality assurance. The continuous operation of the platform is also ensured by BITS.

  • Development of the platform with an API-first approach

  • IT project management

  • IT quality assurance

  • Interfaces and APIs

  • Scalable platform

  • 27×7 operation

Projektrollen im Überblick

Die Experten/innen der BITS übernahmen folgende Rollen in diesem Projekt.

  • IT project management

  • IT-Consulting / Consulting

  • IT quality assurance

  • Scrum Master

  • IT / system architecture

  • Fullstack development

  • Backend development

  • Infrastructure / Operations / DevOps


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